Central Office
2393 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214
Fax: 716-884-8026
Central Office houses the Housing Resource Center
Niagara County Office
33 Spruce Street
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Fax: 716-213-2787
Normal business hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
All Belmont offices are closed for the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday), Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.
Contact our Section 8 Inspections Department
Staff Directory
Please call our main office number at 716-884-7791 and use the 3 digit extension listed below for the person you are trying to reach.
Last Name | First Name | Position | Phone Extension | |
Aquilera | Yanira | yaquilera@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING INSPECTOR | 716-884-7791 |
Atzrott | Stephanie | satzrott@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 156 |
Augustyniak | Lynn | laugustyniak@belmonthousingwny.org | HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER | 164 |
Avery | Tascheen | tavery@belmonthousingwny.org | ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT | 133 |
Basil | George | gbasil@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Becht | Paget | pbecht@belmonthousingwny.org | ACCOUNTING CLERK | 115 |
Becker | Sandra | sbecker@belmonthousingwny.org | SR HOUSING PROGRAMS MANAGER | 114 |
Berger | Pamela | pberger@belmonthousingwny.org | VP PROPERTY OPERATIONS | 117 |
Bianchi | Jill | jbianchi@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING PROGRAMS MANAGER | 189 |
Bienko | Maria | mbienko@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 196 |
Bonds | Elizabeth | ebonds@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 121 |
Bonvissuto | Mark | mbonvissuto@belmonthousingwny.org | REHABILITATION SPECIALIST | 177 |
Bradberry | Joseph | jbradberry@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING INSPECTOR | 716-884-7791 |
Braun | Keith | kbraun@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING REHAB PROGRAMS MANAGER | 176 |
Braunscheidel | Deanna | dbraunscheidel@belmonthousingwny.org | SR. HOUSING SPECIALIST | 241 |
Brown | Lori | lbrown@belmonthousingwny.org | PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR | 127 |
Bulls | Nichelle | nbulls@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 325 |
Burton | Shaquana | sburton@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 345 |
Bushway | Cecelia | cbushway@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 206 |
Cameron | Glen | gcameron@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Camper | Cynthia | ccamper@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 340 |
Carncross | Eric | ecarncross@belmonthousingwny.org | REHABILITATION SPECIALIST | 257 |
Cinelli | Neal | nealcinelli@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Cinelli | Nicholas | ncinelli@belmonthousingwny.org | SR MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 162 |
Civisca | Michael | mcivisca@belmonthousingwny.org | REHAB SPECIALIST | 163 |
Clarke | Keisha | kclarke@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 716-884-7791 |
Coleman | Julie Anne | jcoleman@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 161 |
Collins | Melissa | mcollins@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 335 |
Congdon | Lawrence | lcongdon@belmonthousingwny.org | ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT | 188 |
Cooper | Erica | ecooper@belmonthousingwny.org | ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT | 125 |
Curvin | Carrie | ccurvin@belmonthousingwny.org | ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT | 237 |
Diaz | Jenna | jdiaz@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 204 |
Dick | Mylisa | mylisa@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING PROGRAMS MANAGER | 126 |
Dio | Garrett | gdio@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING INSPECTOR | 716-884-7791 |
DiDomenico | Anna | adidomenico@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 248 |
Dio | Kay | kdio@belmonthousingwny.org | PROPERTY MANAGER | 332 |
Dodds | Morgan | mdodds@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 716-884-7791 |
Dolan | Mary | mdolan@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 198 |
Englert | Tamara | tenglert@belmonthousingwny.org | ELIGIBILITY SPECIALIST | 183 |
Falank | Ellen | efalank@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 242 |
Fields | Tamara | tfields@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 207 |
Fisher | Joseph | jfisher@belmonthousingwny.org | SR. REHAB SPECIALIST | 138 |
Flaherty | Terri | Tflaherty@belmonthousingwny.org | SR. HOUSING PROGRAMS MANAGER | 116 |
Forgie | Sondra | sforgie@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 124 |
Gangemi | John | jgamgemi@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING RESOURCE SPECIALIST | 182 |
Gembola | Cynthia | clipsius@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 255 |
Gerbracht | Courtney | cgerbracht@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 316 |
Germano | Brittany | bgermano@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING PROGRAMS MANAGER | 128 |
Gil | Michele | mgil@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 258 |
Gill | Steven | sgill@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT | 716-884-7791 |
Gleason | Karena | kgleason@belmonthousingwny.org | REHAB SPECIALIST | 158 |
Goodloe | Ursula | uyl@belmonthousingwny.org | PROPERTY MANAGER | 166 |
Groves | Noah | ngroves@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 203 |
Gusmann | Rebecca | rgusmann@belmonthousingwny.org | RESIDENT SERVICES COORDINATOR | 338 |
Habeeb | Keesha | khabeeb@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 243 |
Hann | Richard | rhann@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING INSPECTOR | 716-884-7791 |
Hanssel | Daniel | dhanssel@belmonthousingwny.org | LANDLORD RELATIONS SPECIALIST | 129 |
Hausknecht-Yetman | Karyn | khausknecht@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING PROGRAMS MANAGER | 100 |
Hejmowski | Aaron | ahejmowski@belmonthousingwny.org | CFO | 120 |
Hernandez | Angelica | ahernandez@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 144 |
Hoelcle | John | jhoelcle@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE CUSTODIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Houseman | Kelly | khouseman@belmonthousingwny.org | HUMAN RESOURCES ASST | 148 |
Jacobi | Jedediah | jjacobi@belmonthousingwny.org | CONTROLLER | 139 |
Johnson | Carolyn | cajohnson@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 238 |
Johnson | Cynthia | cjohnson@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 334 |
Johnson | Misha | mjohnson@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 186 |
Johnson | Shanay | sjohnson@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 136 |
Jones | Randy | rjones@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Kennedy | Kelvin | kkennedy@belmonthousingwny.org | ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT | 185 |
Killon | Jake | jkillon@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Kirisits | Christopher | ckirisits@belmonthousingwny.org | RESIDENT SERVICES COORDINATOR | 716-884-7791 |
Kowalczyk | Jessica | Jkowalczyk@belmonthousingwny.org | ACCOUNTING CLERK | 173 |
Kratt | Jeanne | jkratt@belmonthousingwny.org | RESIDENT SERVICE COORDINATOR | 337 |
Lamb | Ryan | rlamb@belmonthousingwny.org | ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT | 190 |
Lanier | Alice | alanier@belmonthousingwny.org | RECEPTIONIST | 101 |
Leverentz | Katie | kbauch@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 122 |
Lewis | Jackee | jlewis@belmonthousingwny.org | PROPERTY MANAGER | 362 |
Lindsey | Louise | llindsey@belmonthousingwny.org | ASSISTANT SITE MANAGER | 193 |
Londner | Gail | glondner@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 167 |
Love | Sandra | slove@belmonthousingwny.org | REHAB LOAN SPECIALIST | 135 |
Luce | Anna | aluce@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 171 |
Marchese | Melody | mmarchese@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR TEAM LEADER | 105 |
Marrero | Jaime | jmarrero@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 331 |
Melillo | Nick | nmelillo@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING INSPECTOR | 716-884-7791 |
Milton | Rasheeda | rmilton@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING RESOURCE SPECIALIST | 159 |
Miszuk | Kristin | kbeaver@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING PROGRAMS MANAGER | 140 |
Montes | Abimelec | kyoung@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Morales | Arnaldo | amorales@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Moye | Nate | nmoye@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Mulla | Iva | imulla@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 141 |
ONeill | Kevin | koneill@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Packard | Brad | bpackard@belmonthousingwny.org | VP HOUSING DEVELOPMENT | 187 |
Park | Kelly | kpark@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 246 |
Peters | Kathy | kpeters@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 333 |
Pizzuto | Louigi | lpizzuto@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING INSPECTOR | 716-884-7791 |
Post | Patricia | ppost@belmonthousingwny.org | ACCOUNTING CLERK | 150 |
Poudy | Irina | i.poudy@belmonthousingwny.org | CONTROLLER | 137 |
Powers | Deirdre | dpowers@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 316 |
Pratts | Carlos | cpratts@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Rauch | Scott | srauch@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING INSPECTOR | 716-884-7791 |
Riegel | Michael | mriegel@belmonthousingwny.org | PRESIDENT | 154 |
Ridge | Annette | aridge@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 342 |
Rivera | Marcos | mrivera@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Saddler | Jessica | jsaddler@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 202 |
Schiffman | Eric | eschiffman@belmonthousingwny.org | SR HOUSING REHAB PROGRAM MANA | 157 |
Schroeder | Laura | lschroeder@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 199 |
Scott | Lyn | lscott@belmonthousingwny.org | SITE MANAGER | 252 |
Shor | Michael | mshor@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 716-884-7791 |
Stoudmire | Jesse | jstoudmire@belmonthousingwny.org | MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN | 716-884-7791 |
Stover | Nancy | nstover@belmonthousingwny.org | ELIGIBILITY SPECIALIST | 253 |
Syracuse | Joseph | jsyracuse@belmonthousingwny.org | REHAB SPECIALIST | 169 |
Taggart Jr | Arthur | ataggart@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 123 |
Tedeschi | Joyelle | jtedeschi@belmonthousingwny.org | VP HOUSING PROGRAMS | 191 |
Thomas | Brad | bthomas@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING INSPECTOR | 716-884-7791 |
Thompson | Melaina | mthompson@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 108 |
Tornquist | Erica | etornquist@belmonthousingwny.org | PROJECT MANAGER | 197 |
Vertino | Michael | mvertino@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING INSPECTOR | 716-884-7791 |
Vlad | Elena | evlad@belmonthousingwny.org | ACCOUNTANT | 153 |
Wafford | Raquel | rwafford@belmonthousingwny.org | ELIGIBILITY SPECIALIST | 170 |
Waker | Sheila | swaker@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING SPECIALIST | 106 |
Wlodarczyk | Michael | mwlodarczyk@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING PROGRAMS MANAGER - INSPECTIONS | 103 |
Workman | Geneva | gworkman@belmonthousingwny.org | SR. HOUSING SPECIALIST | 251 |
Wright | Schellen | sgravell@belmonthousingwny.org | HOUSING COUNSELOR | 147 |
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