Tenant Responsibilities & Supports

What other services and programs from agencies and community groups are available to support my tenants?

Housing Specialists at Belmont are able to advise tenants on many subjects. There are also a number of agencies and community groups that are available to support tenants, including:

Belmont offers a variety of services. To name a few: credit counseling, rental counseling, self-sufficiency program for Section 8 participants, homeownership counseling, and there are other Belmont departments as well – Development and Property Management. To explore Belmont’s full range of services, please visit our website at: https://www.belmonthousingwny.org

What are a tenant’s responsibilities to the landlord?

Abiding by the terms of the lease, including: paying their share of rent in full and on time each month, notifying the landlord of any needed repairs or maintenance, and any other obligations as outlined in the lease agreement (i.e. clearing snow, lawn maintenance, no pets, etc…). Keep in mind, tenants who have Section 8 Rental Assistance have the same responsibilities as tenants who do not have the assistance.